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How Many Types of Link-Building Strategies Are There?


Here is a list of 22 effective and white-hat link building strategies to try to rank high in search engines.


What is HARO (Help A Reporter Out) Link Building Strategy

HARO (Help A Reporter Out) is a perfect service for companies and bloggers who want to gain more attention, as it provides an opportunity to get in contact with journalists and bloggers who need sources for their stories. It is possible to be mentioned in the story or obtain a link, which makes HARO Link Building an effective way of earning high quality backlinks that are also relevant. 

What is Donate to Charities & Non-Profits Link Building Strategy

Most charities and non-profit organizations’ websites have a page where links to donors websites are shown. If you donate to a charity or a non-profit organization, a link to your website will be placed on their page. Links to donors are usually shown as logos on the websites of charities and non-profit organizations. SERPstat explains the process.

Sponsor Real World Events for Link Building

There are two ways in which events can be used for link building:

Hosting an Event: This strategy involves creating an event and having an event website publicize it and link it to your website.

Sponsoring an Event: When you sponsor an event hosted by someone, the host of the event will list your website and add its link to the list of sponsors.

Here is a guide from Wordtracker about backlinks with real-life events.

What is Crowdfunding Link Building Strategy

By participating in a Crowdfunding link building scheme, businesses can gain the support of small donations. These donations are rewarded by offering a link to anyone who has contributed as thanks for their generosity. Here are the steps from LinkDoctor.

What is Q & A Sites Link Building Strategy

Question-and-answer sites are sites that let you post questions and get feedback from other members of the forum. Using Q&A sites for link building refers to adding a link leading to your website in the replies you give to questions asked on the forum. Answerbag, Stack Overflow, and Blurtit are popular examples of Q&A sites. Here are the steps mentioned by Search Engine Journal.  

Podcast Guesting for Link Building

Podcast guesting for link building involves appearing as a guest on a podcast to gain a backlink from the person hosting it. When you appear as a guest on a podcast, the host will link your website to the podcast at the end of the episode. To appear as a guest on a podcast episode, you would have to apply to the podcast’s host. Here is a guide about this strategy from Speak-on-podcasts.

What is Testimonial Link Building Strategy

Testimonial link building is a way of getting backlinks from a seller or service provider website by providing a positive feedback. Here is the complete guide to follow.

What is Outreached Guest Blogging Link Building Strategy

Outreach guest blogging has become a widely used strategy for businesses and brands. It entails reaching out to websites, publications, or influencers who have a relevant following to secure an article on their behalf in exchange for a link back. This helps build relationships with other professionals while simultaneously constructing more brand awareness and generating additional website traffic. Here is the guide to follow from Brian Dean.

What is Resource Page Link Building Strategy

Link building through the use of resources pages is an effective and key strategy for improving website visibility. It involves locating websites that provide a list of resources about a particular area and then requesting to have a link from your site included on their page. Not only can this help spread the word about your company, but it also creates opportunities for forming relationships with other sites in the industry. Here is an easy to follow guide.

What is Broken Link Building Strategy

Broken link building entails spotting dead links on high-ranking sites, then replacing them with ones to your own material. Doing so not only increases organic traffic but also heightens search engine rankings by launching quality backlinks. Here is the guide from Neil Patel.

What is Social Media Link Building Strategy

Social media for link building refers to the use of social media websites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube to post links to your website and gain backlinks from other websites’ users. Links to your website can be included in your social media profiles or in contents you upload. Here is a list of top social media websites.

What is Forum Link Building Strategy

Using forums to build links requires that you insert a link to your website in the comments you post in the comment section on forums. Forum link building will help increase your website traffic and client interaction. Quora, Reddit, and Craigslist Forums are some popular examples of forums.

What is Blog Commenting Link Building Strategy

Blog commenting entails including a link to your website in relevant comments you post in the comment sections on blog content. Posting insightful comments on blogs is one of the simplest ways to generate traffic for your website because it promotes brand recognition and increases your chance of getting noticed. Here is how.

What is Business Directories and Local Citations Link Building Strategy

A local citation is any online reference to your business NAP (Name, address and phone). This could be from a business directory or any other website. A business directory is a website that lists businesses in the same industry alphabetically. Some of the most popular business directories are Yelp and Google Business Profile. Here is a guide to local citation building from Search Engine Journal.

What is Paid Directories Listing Link Building Strategy

A paid directory is a website that requires you to pay money to have your website listed in its database of websites. So, paid directory listing for link building is simply paying online directories to have your website listed and gain follow backlinks to it. Best of the Web (BOTW) is a popular example of a paid directory.

What is Profile Creation Link Building Strategy

Profile creation simply means creating public profiles on websites that allow for profile creation. Profile creation sites allow you to include your website’s URL on your profile. So, profile creation for link building refers to creating profiles on profile creation sites solely to include links to your website in them.

What is Image Backlinks Strategy

Image Backlinking is one of the most commonly used link building techniques. Building backlinks with images refers to creating shareable images (like logos, memes, infographics, or trending pictures) and attaching links to your website to them so that when they are used by other domains, they will link back to your website. You can also share the image on various images sharing websites to get backlinks. Here is a guide from Ahrefs.

Video Creation and Submissions for Link Building

Video creation and submission involve uploading custom-made videos (usually embedded with your website’s link) to social media or other video submission platforms like YouTube and Pinterest to obtain backlinks. Video submission sites like YouTube allow you to include links to your website in the description box below the video you upload.

Public Release Distribution for Link Building

A press release is an official statement on a specific topic that is distributed to media outlets for publication. Each press release can have multiple links to your website; it means each successful publication will generate backlinks to your website. Most press releases allow you to include URLs in the body of the article. We offer press release writing and distribution services to 400+ media outlets for $90.

 What is Replicating Competitors Backlinks Strategy

In this context, a “competitor” is any website that competes in the same industry as you. Replicating a competitor’s backlinks is simply obtaining backlinks on domains where your competitor has already obtained a backlinks using the same link building technique that your competitor has used. Backlinks analysis tools, such as Semrush and Moz, can be used to discover your competitors’ backlinks. Here is a complete guide on how to do this.

E-book/ Presentation Sharing for Link Building

E-book or presentation sharing is the practice of creating, publishing, and sharing slide presentations or eBooks with embedded links to your website. Slide presentations you create can be shared on slide-sharing websites like Slideshare. You can include links to your website in your profile page on most slide-sharing websites.

Infographic Promotion for Link Building

An infographic is a graphical representation of information that makes it easier to understand. Infographic promotion involves the creation and sharing of infographics. This link building strategy entails creating infographics, publishing them on your website, and allowing them to be republished by other websites, which subsequently link them back to your website. Or you can share infographic to the websites listed here to gain backlinks.

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